Auction: Craig Sauder Trust – 1,720 +/- Acres

Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers proudly presents this Greenwood and Coffey County real estate on behalf of the estate of Craig Sauder. These properties, many of which have been in the family for 4 generations, are all located near the eastern edge of the legendary Flint Hills region at the confluence of the Woodson, Greenwood and Coffey County lines.
This region has been one of the most-envied by cattle producers across the Country and justifiably so. The native grasses of this area, over a limestone base, continually prove their mettle in the harshest of drought conditions including the unusually dry 2023 grazing season it just endured. This is also a testament to the tenant who did a great job by not abusing these pastures in a year that would have been easy to do so. Please keep in mind when viewing the pastures and ponds that there are areas in the region that haven’t received 1/3rd of their average rainfall in the 2023 grazing season.
Totaling 1,720 acres more or less in tract sizes ranging from 80+/- acres to 360+/- acres or combinations thereof, there’s a tract for every type of Buyer. Flint Hills pasture, good cropland, brome and native hay meadows and two tracts with plenty of hunting appeal compose this diverse offering. Only 4% of original Tallgrass prairie remains in the United States with 2/3rds of that being located in the Flint Hills. This is your opportunity to purchase the resilient and iconic grasslands that puts the pounds on cattle year in and year out, regardless of the extreme adversity it faces. Again, some of these tracts have been in the family for 4 generations and they may stay in the next family for 4 more, so come to the auction prepared to capitalize on this opportunity!
Please contact Cameron Roth at 785-917-0867 or Charly Cummings at 620-496-7108 to set up a tour.
Brief Legal Description: The NE 1/4 of Section 20, Township 23 South, Range 13 East of the 6th P.M., Greenwood County, Kansas. 160 acres, more or less including Right-of-Way.
Location: At the intersection of Rd. 300 & Rd. FF on the SW corner
Driving Directions from Gridley: Take Emmer Rd (near French Foundation Bldg.) south for 3 miles to 2nd Rd. and turn west. Proceed 6 miles to FF and turn south. Proceed 1 mile to the property on the southwest side of the intersection.
Minerals: According to the mineral title opinion provided by Karen McIlvain, Attorney-At-Law, the mineral rights are not intact on this tract however the Seller does possess a mineral interest being a royalty interest of .122239584 that shall transfer. There is current mineral production on this tract. According to Kansas Geological Survey records, Please refer to the mineral language related to this tract provided by Ms. McIlvain contained within the “Related Documents” tab of this listing. If you have questions regarding mineral rights or interests, please contact Karen McIlvain at (620) 437-2600. Potential Buyers are to use their own due diligence regarding both the mineral and surface estate of the real estate being sold. Let it be known that Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers and the Seller make no warranty or guarantee of any type regarding mineral rights or interests other than whatever rights and interests the Seller may possess on each parcel, shall transfer to the Buyer of said parcel.
Tenancy: This real estate sells without any grazing, haying, tillable or hunting leases in effect. If the Buyer does not plan to operate the property themselves and needs a tenant, the current tenant desires to continue leasing this property.