Smith Farms Irrigated Quarter – Gray County, Kansas

Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers is honored to offer this irrigated tract of Gray County cropland to the public. Located just southwest of the lovely town of Cimarron, and totaling 162 acres more or less, this parcel presents a great opportunity to add a productive Quarter to your operation in an attractive area. Total cropland acreage is 161.78 acres according to FSA records with approximately 126 acres under pivot irrigation. According to the tenant, the pivot is nozzled at 600 GPM with performance typically in the 500-550 GPM range. The soil types on this tract are composed mostly of a mix of Pratt and Manter varieties and a complete soil map can be located within the “Related Documents” section.
The irrigation pivot, motor and pump belong to the Tenant and do not transfer to the Buyer unless the Buyer negotiates a purchase for that equipment with the Tenant.
The Water Certificate is contained within the “Related Documents” section for your review. The Water Right Number is 22,944 for a total of 136 acres with a diversion rate not in excess 850 gallons per minute and in a quantity not to exceed 272 acre-feet per calendar year.
FSA Records are contained within the "Related Documents" below and indicate:
Contact Cameron Roth at 785-917-0867 today!
Brief Legal Description: The SW 1/4 of Section 19, Township 26 South, Range 28 West of the 6th P.M., Gray County, Kansas. 162 acres, more or less.
Driving Directions from Cimarron: Take Highway 23 south for 3 1/2 miles to Road R and turn west. Proceed 5 miles to Road 13 and turn north. Proceed 1 mile and the property begins on the east side of the road.
Possession: Possession shall be at closing.
Minerals: The Sellers mineral interests shall transfer to the Buyer.